Izima Kaoru

Izima Kaoru has a very distinct style, she has a set of narrative series called Landscapes With A Corpse, where she carefully stages a crime scene. She has been doing this particular type of narrative photographs for thirteen years. They’re all set up the same way, with one single dead woman in a deserted location, there are no other characters, no police or onlookers, just this limp dead woman. With limited distractions, you will immediately see the main subject of the photos. She makes the theme of the photos easy to understand and accessible by being quite brutal and candid. The colours in some of the photos are fairly vivid as well, which makes the message even stronger. The series usually consist of one or two overview photographs, which will introduce the location, and the rest are closer up. Her theme is more relevant to my initial ideas of doing something about depression, but her narrative style is still worth a mention.